Docker: A gateway to DevOps

Have you ever worked in a team : “A bug? It’s not my fault, it works on my computer!”

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While it is good for a chuckle or two but this is very common and is a lot of hassle when the code is passed around the dependencies and configurations are mixed. Whether Developer or part of the Operations staff, everyone has heard the infamous saying “it works on my computer”. The problem is generally due to differences in the configuration files (problems concerning versions, rights…) which are hard to debug. In a big project these problems can result in massive delays and it is a headache to get rid of these.

If you look closely then you will find that global standards for technology are evolving at a rapid rate. The first big shift was from Mainframes to PC (in the 90’s), the next big bang happened in less than a decade when Virtual gained traction and became the norm in early 00’s. After 8 short years the norm changed with the release of now massively popular AWS (in 10’s), Cloud services were easy to setup and with virtually no upfront costs. This was an attractive option but soon it was realised that cloud while being cheap was more suitable for single tasks. This void was then filled by Docker. It allowed for code segmentation and isolation. Multiple instances of same application or entirely different applications could now be run on a single machine.

Now some of you may have heard the term containers and images. Containers are becoming increasingly popular, and that the IT community nowadays is particularly enthusiastic about Docker.

Docker brought the concept of containers (serverless) and put it in the hands of masses. Unlike the previous shifts that were geared for system admins and were difficult to adapt to. Docker was more aligned for developers and was an easier shift for the masses. The hardest part of a migration is the migration itself, that includes learning new set of tools, new workflow and new standards. Docker tried to minimize this by building an inclusive solution which led to its massive adoption.

I am planning on making a group for Docker (and by extension DevOps):

If anyone is interested in what to expect, here is a link to my answer for the google form.

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